March 2020
tl;dr: Answers this question: which tasks are better transferred to others?
Overall impression
This paper proposed a large dataset with 4 million images, each has 26 tasks labeled as GT. This work directly inspired task grouping, which answers a different question of how to perform multitask learning more efficiently.
The main purpose of transfer learning is to reduce the number of images needed for training the task–they focus on supervision efficiency. Given enough images, trained from scratch is also viable, per rethinking ImageNet pretraining.
Key ideas
- A fully computational approach to reveal the relationships between tasks. Previously the relationship is based on human intuition or analytical knowledge.
- Depth -> normals are easy for humans, but the opposite is true for NN.
- Four main steps
- Task specific modeling
- Transfer Modleing (frozen encoder, trained shallow transfer+decoder)
- Normalization with AHP (analytical hierarchical process): only assumes monotonocity and keeps the ordinal order
- Taxonomy extraction with BIP (boolean integer programming) with constraints
Technical details
- With only 2% of data, finetuning from reshading to surface normal yields good results already.
- Architecture
- The backbone is ResNet-50
- Neck is 2 conv layers (concat channels for higher-order tasks
- Decoder: 15-layer fully convolutional network, 2-3 FC layers.
- Transitive transfer is multi-hop transfers.
- Video of the presentation at CVPR
- What if I have a new task and I want to quantify which other tasks are related to this task?
- Need 2k images to find which are the best sources for it
- Use pretrained networks and use 2k images to finetune
- Beam search
- Beam search is an efficient way to explore a graph. Beam search is not optimal (that is, there is no guarantee that it will find the best solution).
- Beam search with beam width B=∞ is essentially breadth-first search.
- Beam search with beam width B=1 is essentially greedy search.
- Powerset of any set S is the set of all subsets of S, including the empty set and S itself, variously denoted as $\wp (S)$.