September 2020
tl;dr: Convert lidar, radar and camera fusion in BEV space.
Overall impression
Perception in autonomous driving involves building a representation that captures the geometry and semantics of the surrounding scenes.
The BEV (top-down) representation across modalities has multiple benefits:
- interpretable
- easily extensible
- simplifies the task of late fusion
Maybe BEV representation is the ultimate goal for perception. The authors also noted that we need to add the concept of instance. This may be necessary to make the output results to be directly consumable by downstream.
Fishing Net tackles the problem of predicting deterministic future BEV semantic segmentation.
Fishing Net uses BEV grid resolution: 10 cm and 20 cm/pixel. Lift Splat Shoot uses 50 cm/pixel. They are both coarser than the typical 4 cm or 5 cm per pixel resolution used by mapping purposes such as DAGMapper.
Key ideas
- View transformation: MLP (similar to VPN).
- Takes in 5 history frames of sensory data (camera, lidar and radar), and predict semantic BEV frames 5 frames into the future.
- The GT generation is with 3D annotation in lidar, and it mainly focuses on dynamic objects.
- Priority pooling: VRU (pedestrian, cyclists, motorists) > cars > background
- Lidar input: 8 channels
- binary occupancy
- log normalized lidar density
- max z
- max z sliced, 0 to 2.5 m every 0.5 m (5 ch)
- Radar input: 6 channels
- binary occupancy
- X, Y value of doppler velocity (motion compensated, 2 ch)
- RCS (radar cross section)
- Ambiguous doppler interval
- Autolabeling process
- 3D track bboxes and semantic labels
Technical details
- The radar map is quite dense. This is before clustering?
- Lidar/radar uses an U-Net like architecture with skip connection, but camera does not have it as it has one orthogonal feature transform layer. See VPN.
- NuScenes radar data are too sparse to perform semantic segmentation.