June 2020
tl;dr: Predict BEV semantic maps from monocular images.
Overall impression
This is very similar to PyrOccNet.
monolayout uses self-generated ground truth by aggregating results throughout video (so-called temporal sensor fusion). HD Map GT is only used for evaluation.
The authors also listed tricks that did not work. This I think should be the recommended standard practice in future!
The discriminator-based adversarial training is taken one step further to exploit useful prior between vehicle and road layout by PYVA.
Key ideas
- View transformation: VAE-like, the latent feature is called “shared context”
- Detached dynamic layout and static layout.
- Dynamic layout: this is more related to mono 3D MOD.
- Static layout is more related to what Tesla is doing.
- Network predicts static or dynamic layout whether it is covered by the camera or not. This is quite different from the method used in PyrOccNet where occluded points are masked.
- Architecture
- One encoder, two decoder (dynamic + static)
- The learned representation must implicitly disentangle the static parts and dynamic objects.
- patch based discriminators
- Plausible road geometries extracted from unpaired database of openstreetmap.
- Generating training data via temporal sensor fusion
- Use monodepth2 or lidar to lift RGB to point cloud.
- With odometry info, aggregate and register the scene observation over time, to generate a more dense, noise free point cloud.
- When using monodepth2, discard anything 5 m away from the ego car as they could be noisy.
- Aggregate 40-50 frames.
- Use GT or predicted semantic labels and aggregate into occupancy grid by majority voting.
- Compare with pseudo-lidar, monolayout can achieve equal or better results but much faster.
- This work is easily extended to be converted to a behavior predictor.
Technical details
- 40 x 40 m, 128 x 128 grid.
- Realtime, 30Hz on GTX 1080 Ti.
- Argoverse contains high-res semantic occupancy grid in BEV.
- Things the authors tried but did not work
- Using a single decoder to decode both dynamic and static layout.
- Drawbacks: shadows will make the network into predicting protrusions along the shadow direction.